DEBUG BIOS CHIP Installation Instructions 
Steps to installing a new BIOS chip:
1) Remove the screws from the underside of your Neo Geo system. Most systems have 4, while some newer systems have 5. When finished lift the top part of your Neo Geo system case slowly - Many systems will have a metal ground shield located on the top half of the case which is connected to the main system via a green cable. If your system has such a cable remove the screw from the bottom case and remove the top casing.
2) Using the images provided locate the old BIOS chip. This chip should be labled Toshiba TC531024.
3) Once you have located the old BIOS chip remove all the screws from the case and remove the mother board.
* For this next step you will require a soldering iron and basic experience with soldering and
4) Flip your system board over and desolder the old BIOS chip. First Generation systems come with their system BIOS in a IC socket. For those that have a socket may simply swap chips.
5) Replace the old BIOS chip with the provided new one and proceed to solder all points from the bottom side of the system board.
6) Recheck all points to insure no two pins are connected.
7) Return the system board back into its case and reassemble the system.
*Please do not attempt this procedure if you do not have basic soldering skills. Expert installation is available through: [email protected]

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